Cubicle of the future

Baby Cubicle
When Ben, Theresa and Howie were down her recently, we made a trip south to Babysaurus to pick their expert brains. It was fun and surreal at the same time. The amount of stuff that is available for babies is absurd. This mini-play station was not the most absurd thing we found, but I felt it was a model for the future cubicle. Imagine being able to swing your chair around your desk to work on a project on the other side? Or if you knew your boss was coming, you could swing back to the clean side of the desk and blame the mess on someone else.

Yes, I did write “poop” on the magnetic screen. I did that on several dozen toys at the store. I figured “poop” isn’t so much a dirty word but a fact of life for babies. The parents are probably going to be too tired to care anyway. Besides, if this really were a baby’s cubicle, you can be damn sure that “poop” would show up on their day planner several times. “Let’s see, it’s time for my ten o’clock…”

5 thoughts on “Cubicle of the future”

  1. Everybody Poops!

    Seriously though, I’m not around kids too much, but in the past year I’ve been by my niece, my neighbor, and little Noah Carr (now one month?). And man they all stank! Amy tried to tell K that milk-generated poop doesn’t smell, but when I walked into their house last time -peeee-uuuuuuuuuuuu!

    I’m lookig forward to the next few years for you . . . mwahahaha

  2. Man, look at all that cool stuff. You know what I had to play with when I was a kid….a stick, none of this fancy stuff.

  3. I’m with Scott! Theres so much stuff avalible for kids today … i’m not sure who goes into sensory overload first … baby or parent!! The “worst” part seems to me to be that most of that stuff is design for “1-3 month olds” and then “3-5 months” and so on … to be “hip” your always buying new stuff! Rediculous! But than again … i’m not the parent here!

  4. If I ever have a kid he or she better have an imagination because they are getting a cardboard box and thats it. The box will probably come from something cool that I was able to buy for myself.. on the money saved by not spoiling my child with stupid toys.

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