Finally someone talking about task switching costs and why it is bad that we have over 200 projects “active.”
Month: August 2016
Tweet: How close is @PortlandCC to offering a transfer de…
How close is @PortlandCC to offering a transfer degree with zero textbook costs? Still a way to go: #oer
Tweet: Every time I trim my beard there are more gray hai…
Every time I trim my beard there are more gray hairs. I can think of only one solution. No more trimming.
Tweet: I haven’t run the SETI client for years, but readi…
I haven’t run the SETI client for years, but reading Anvil of the Stars made me afraid of radio noise in space.…
Tweet: It’s half time and….
It’s half time and….
Tweet: 5 dudes in a row just walked by in fresh Valeri ki…
5 dudes in a row just walked by in fresh Valeri kits. There’s your narcs.
Tweet: My cliff jumping style was called “riding the invi…
My cliff jumping style was called “riding the invisible horse.” This is Madeline’s. It fits her perfectly.
Tweet: Sunrise on the Deschutes.
Sunrise on the Deschutes.
Tweet: The Dropbox tool is now named Assignments. Contemp…
The Dropbox tool is now named Assignments. Contemplating a transition name of DropAss or AssDrop instead of a full cut over. #UX
Tweet: I tried to get people to use boat puns during our…
I tried to get people to use boat puns during our Student Services Retreat session. Today’s theme is Sailing through Change. The idea sunk.