Parents on the move

My parents left Yakima yesterday with two u-hauls, a plan, and a check for their old home. What’s next? They’ve bought a junker here in Portland and are going to be spending the next couple months making it livable. I was able to help them a little yesterday as they unloaded stuff in to a storage shed. Naturally, it rained.

After one unit was filled, we had to back the 26ft unit up an indoor ramp to the point where it could no longer back up anymore (lighting, fire sprinklers, etc) which was just 4 feet short of the loading dock. As such, we had to move stuff from the front of the truck up the wet deck, then down the steep, wet ramp, then lift it up to the dock surface. Talk about “making it a challenge.”

Luckily, I was able to leave early for a dinner engagement, so I didn’t have to help them move the washer and dryer down the stairway at their new place. The new homestead is lovingly referred to as “the outhouse.” Several other more colorful names didn’t stick.

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