New Job – sort of

Yesterday I started working as the Student Help Desk Coordinator, a position that Noah left so he could go expat. I’m jealous of his adventure, but for some reason I’m also excited about taking this job. Oddly enough, I researched the position 3 years ago to see if a student help desk at a community college was even feasible. Well, there were only 5 or so at the time, and with varying degrees of success. When we created the job description and posted it, my boss encouraged me to apply for it. I wasn’t that interested and declined. I had a good thing going.

Three years later – what’s different? Well, not much. In fact, I had planned on taking more classes at PSU so the increased responsibility was an odd choice. My decision to take the position was based on the advice of a friend who, like me, is not cut from management cloth. Chris said that I had to do it, and that even if I hated it, I’d learn a ton and gain invaluable experience. Ok.

Ok – I can handle that. Kind of odd how full circle I’ve come. I’ll have to write my old managers at WWU and tell them. This is exactly what I had planned on doing with my degree in Geography. At least I enjoy the work.

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