
Walz & Goode ventured down from Bellingham to visit for the weekend. Scott and I took them to the Black Cat because of its shuffleboard tables. The place was pretty crowded, so we had to wait for a while until a table opened. We finally got throwing and noticed the peculiar antics at the next table over. It turns out they were playing for $50/game, and things weren’t looking good for one individual who was losing his second game. Fortunately, alcohol helps people be reasonable, so he was on his best behavior. He sat out the next game and heckled the guy he’d lost to. Fortunately it was last call and there could be no more money lost. What a great game when you don’t play for money. We play for beer. PDX won, twice.

2 thoughts on “Shuffleboard”

  1. We should have played for $50 a game, then we’d be up $50. Didn’t we play for a round of drinks? They left town without paying up, grrrr….and I let them stay at my house.

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