
Michelle, Ella and I finally got our butts down to Eugene to visit Joe and Linds who moved there back in August. Ella was quite good in the car and was rewarded with a cat that was the same size as her to play with. She followed Quasi (the cat) around most of the weekend and even helped him eat his dinner (though at 26lbs, he didn’t need Ella’s help). Their place is great and they’ve clearly been busy with projects which I’ve been watching and hearing about, but the pictures didn’t provide a seamless view of the house. Room placement and stuff all makes sense now.

We all went to the Science Factory and I think we all enjoyed it equally. There was some frustration on the part of us adults because we’d be working on some puzzle and a 7 year old in footie pajamas would nudge in and take over. Sure, the place is “for kids,” but it was plenty of fun for us as well.

Lindsay joked that it was her first time being able to cook for us this year since we normally dined at our place because of the toddler. We ate very well, and I can’t wait to make the gnocchi dish we had with spinach and cheese. It was only the second gnocchi dish I’ve had, and I must admit I’m quite enamored.

Now it’s your turn Hughes.

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