Mock Duck

Tonight I used a wheat gluten product known as mock duck. It’s a brownish blob formed into a miniature duck-ish shape complete with dimples that works as source of protein when you’re out of duck. I picked it up after coming across it in a recipe for squash curry that sounded good. Tonight was my night to cook, so I walked by Vieng Lao on my way home from work and picked some up. They also have mock chicken, abalone and oyster, but I didn’t see any mock turtle.

Anyway, it wasn’t bad by any means, though duck would have been much nicer. I managed to make a curry that didn’t bomb, and I’ve got lots of leftovers for tomorrow.

3 thoughts on “Mock Duck”

  1. I was just poking around in our fridge, saw a block of halloumi and wondered if you had ever tried that. Personally, I had never heard of it until we came over here, but I would imagine you can get it in the US. It’s a really firm, salty cheese from Cyprus that can be grilled and used as a protein in vegetarian dishes. We love the stuff, though you can only eat it in small quantities because it’s quite rich and really salty.

  2. Sami will be very pleased to know that you did not eat real duck :) Also, I have to say that halloumi is super tasty.

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