Wrong house – no potluck

Barley started spazzing out last night just before an attractive couple carrying chips and dip entered our front door. They asked where we wanted the food, and apparently the blank stares from Michelle and I, lounging, made them realize they were in the wrong home. While it was hard to turn away chips and dip, we weren’t really in the entertaining mood. “…Uh, I think you have the wrong house.”

6 thoughts on “Wrong house – no potluck”

  1. That really happened? That’s hilarious! Would be a good “moment” in a movie… I’ll have to remember that.

  2. Yup. It was weird. We thought maybe they were some neighbors we’d never seen stopping by to say hi. No such luck. We didn’t even a sympathy invite to the real party :)

  3. You should have totally entertained for an hour, then told them they were at the wrong house after you had eaten half their food

  4. that is just precious. i agree with lb – you should have welcomed them in and eaten their food and then told them it’s the wrong house.

  5. And while you were at it, you should have totally played it off like a key party. “Yeah, well it looks like the other two couples didn’t show, so there’s really no need to fish keys out of a hat. So should your wife and I take that room over there?…”

    Chances are they’d foget to bring their food with them when they ran out the door and you could finish it all off. Or have a freakfest orgy. Either way you win!

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