MT-Blacklist updater script

I’ve thrown together a simple shell script that updates your MT-Blacklist from the clearinghouse file using the interval of your choice with a cron job. If you use it, be couteous to his bandwidth and limit the frequency with which you update. I know its simple, so don’t laugh. And if you see something obviously dumb, let me know.

# MT-Blacklist Update
# Andy Freed
# This is a very simplistic script to keep the blacklist file
# for Jay Allen's MT-Blacklist plugin for Moveable Type
# see for details
# concept: script is run by cron at interval set by user.
# script downloads new script with CURL from url listed above
# uses curl function to overwrite existing list.
# User Defined

# Full Path to blacklist file on your server

# URL for updated blacklist

if [ -f "$path/blacklist.txt" ]
cd $path
#move existing to backup file
mv blacklist.txt blacklist.last
#fetch new file with curl, transfer/failure will be silent
curl -s -O $url

if [ -a "$path/blacklist.txt" ]
#remove .last list if successful
rm blacklist.last
#replace list if curl failed
mv blacklist.last blacklist.txt
exit 1
#fetch new file with curl, transfer/failure will be silent
curl -s -O $url

Comment Spam in GM and MT

Both of my sites have developed a case of comment spam in the last 2 weeks. The amount in Greymatter was a nearly negligible 6 comments all in one entry. So I turned off comments for that entry. Simple

However, there have been over 200 comments left with rather lurid names in my Moveable Type site – To combat the evil scripts, I’ve added MT-blacklist, which Noah recently added to his site as well. I’m not sure how effective it is yet, but it sure made it easy to remove the 200 junk entries. Whew.

Can I get a witness?

2kings (10k image)

Last night while watching some TV, we heard a bizarre scratching noise outside our door. It was unlike the normal noises Tigger makes, so we got up to investigate. The noise apearred to have come from the huddled ET looking old woman that was now hobbling down our sidewalk. She had torn a single page out of a bible and stuck it into our door jam.

Besides being excedingly creepy on its own, the first passage on the page refers to “…the servants of A’mon conspired against him and put the king to death in his own house.” (2 Kings 21:23)

Although I’m sure it it was a bizarre combination of events, I’m hoping it was just a crazy woman with some sense of duty to spread Jehovah’s word in an engaging and effective manner. I wonder how long she had been outside our door before selecting and ripping the page out. Could she have heard my religious trash-talking all the way up on the Olympic Peninsula?

National Park Bullshit

This weekend a group of our friends congregated at Staircase Campground in Olympic national park for the 3rd year in a row. Previously, we’d camped a few weeks earlier in the season before the campground officially opened (toilets, etc) and started charging fees. The campground is great, the area is beautiful, and the lack of other people is a big draw considering the size and enthusiasm of our group. This year’s gathering was to be slightly smaller due to other family engagements.

Click on Comments below to read more.
Continue reading National Park Bullshit

Dandelions & Male Sexuality

I spent over an hour popping dandelions out of the south side of the yard because it still shows some hope of not being overrun. While using a standard issue dandelion popper (rather than the de-luxe model), I had plenty of time to contemplate the irascible flower.

Many consider it to be a weed, some can ignore it, some even like it. Though I have eaten its leaves in salads, and get some enjoyment popping the flowers or blowing the seed pods, I’m working to reduce the number in our yard. Mostly because there is so much of it. But I started to think about why its such a hated plant and came up with a truly absurd explanation – dandelions are a threat to human male sexuality.

These plants flaunt their indiscretions with unnamed and uncounted other pollinators, and their fecundity leaves a yellow score card on the lawn. Then you go to remove them by hand and you’re taunted by their well-developed root system. Not only have they developed into unchecked casanovas, but they seem to foil any attempt to chastise them. Their continued success is just a mark of our failure.

Truly, I think I may be on to something. Or maybe its just because I watched The Ladies Man last night.

dandelions on parade

Naturescaping seminar

Metro and the Far Southwest Neighborhood Association put on a Basic Naturescaping Workshop at PCC. It was a free workshop that introduced the concept of naturescaping, which Betty, one of the presenters referred to as “Ecological restoration on a personal scale.”

It was similar to Xeriscaping, though less concerned with water conservation, and more concerned with reducing work, reducing pesticide use, increasing habitat, improving water quality, and using native plants.

It was a wonderful workshop that refocused a lot of the concepts I’ve been gleaming from other sources. Now I’ve just got to remember that I don’t own the house I live in, so I shouldn’t invest too much time or energy into it.

Metro offers a number of the classes throughout the year, so catch one if you can.

Mt. St. Helens road vetoed

Washington Gov. Gary Locke vetoed a study to see how feasible it would be to build a road across the pumice field below the crater of Mt. St. Helens.

Proponents of the study were hoping to boost the local economy, and were displeased with the governor’s decision not to fund the flagrant waste of money on an utterly stupid idea. Some felt that the Sierra Club had unduly influenced the governor, department of transportation, forest service, and a number of scientists. You know how closely knit the Sierra Club, U.S. Forest Service and WSDOT are. Regular buddies.

Some Washingtonians are now concerned that the governor may not fund studies to commit money to other potential ecological, environmental or geological disasters. But hey, its just a study….

motorbike through Chernobyl

Chris sent me a link to a site of a woman’s adventure’s on her motorbike through the dead zone of Chernobyl. Its less about motorcycles and more about the disaster. It includes some very haunting pictures of the city and surrounding area, as well as some relics of the lives of people who have either fled or died from the accident. The author claims the “dead zone” is her favorite place to ride because there are no cars, no traffic, and no people, which is great for driving fast. It may be fast, but its really creepy.