Consequences? You can deal with them..

Its no secret that I dislike George & Dick. I feel that most of what they have done in the last 4 years has been without regard to the consequences of those actions. I’m not saying they don’t consider the consequences, I’m saying they make a concerted effort to ignore them, because by the time its a problem, they won’t be around for questioning.

The most recent activity includes asking churches to effectively campaign for Bush/Cheney ’04. You can read the article for the details, but there is no doubt in my mind that there will be congregations that are so riddled with fear of a catholic, gay-loving president that they will break their tax-exempt status to campaign outright. The campaign themselves aren’t worried because it won’t affect them – they never told anyone to campaign for them. But they didn’t draw any lines for what kind of behavior would remove tax exempt status. If there ever were law-suits, they would move just as quickly as the suit for the Cheney Energy Task Force attendees has gone. That was over 3 years ago. I hope the congregations that get these invitations to promote Bush will see him for what he is.